Why You Might Consider A Tummy Tuck

By Andrew W John

The main reasons men and women may decide on this type of surgery may not always be cosmetic. More and more people are discovering the necessity of the surgery after pregnancy, particularly multiple births, and gastric bypass surgery. Those who have lost a lot of weight through gastric bypass or other means and find that their stomach muscles and or skin has not shrunk back into place and may need to go in for health reasons as well.

With the advent of cutting edge technology, safer medicinal practices, and better training in plastic surgery through refining of the art and technique, many people are finding that it is both safer and more affordable. Currently, Abdominoplasty procedures can cost around $2500 to $8500 and up. Prices are usually determined by the type of procedure, who you choose, where you or the doctor is located, and the complexity of your particular operation. You can also find variation depending on your medical health, the necessity or additional pre-surgical tests, the operation and recovery rooms used, the type of anesthesiologists, and any post operative care you may need.

The popularity of the procedure, as well as its medical and cosmetic benefits, has encouraged surgeons to offer different financing plans to help people pay for the surgery. This is especially helpful to those whose insurance will not cover any part of the procedure. Additionally, if you have an Abdominoplasty, your insurance premiums may go up. So, be sure to reserve your coverage plan and talk to your insurance carrier.

The reason why some undergo a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is because of pregnancy in women or men after a gastric bypass surgery. The procedure's recovery time will all depend on the complexity of your operation, which can be altered due to many reasons.

You will experience some pain after the procedure, but most the pain medication prescribed by the doctor will take care of that. You will also experience swelling and scarring at the site. Your doctor should also prescribe or suggest medication for this. You can expect the severity of these symptoms to last for only the first few weeks.

You can do things to speed up recovery as well, such as not stretching too much, not moving around to much, and taking it easy during the recovery. You should not lift anything and you will need a personal care attendant. Otherwise you risk tearing the stitches, increasing the recovery time, increasing the pain, or even getting an infection. Therefore, follow all the direction the surgeon provide right to the letter, this includes how to dress the wound during recovery and how long you may have to wait before resuming normal activities.

There are three stages to the recovery process. First, you must stay in the hospital so that they can monitor you for the first few days, usually three days. This is to ensure there are no complications, such as a dangerous clot. Second, you may be sent home or to a post operational care facility. This includes complete bed rest, often three weeks or more, during this time you must have assistance to bath, dress the wound, and other necessary functions. Lastly, you doctor may give you detailed instructions for caring for your new tummy in the long run. These may include how to maintain the size and shape through diet and exercise, as well and tips to prevent hernias.

Other things to keep in mind about recovery and aftercare may include how strong your abdominal muscles were before surgery, and the unique way your body handles the healing process, which includes scaring. If you have strong abdominal muscles going into surgery, you can expect the healing process to go much more quickly and smoothly. If you do not have a regular diet and exercise plan prior to surgery, then you may experience a slower progression. You can also expect scaring and swelling for 6 months or more after surgery, so don't plan this for that summer beach body contest this year, but maybe next year you can hit the beach!

As with any surgery, it is best to research and use caution before undergoing surgery. This will ensure safety and honesty. - 30292

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